WOW Newsletter: Issue 3
In This Issue:
Heartbeat Of America Award
Understanding Anti-Virus Software
Silver Mountain Web Cameras
Happy 2010 from Wired or Wireless, Inc.!
We’ve made it into a new year! With many projects in place Wired Or Wireless, Inc. is very excited for things to come. 2010 will prove to be a banner year for WOW and we plan to keep you posted with all the updates as they unfold.
Best wishes to you for a happy, healthy and successful New Year.
Wired or Wireless, Inc. Receives the “Heartbeat Of America” Award From Rear Admiral Kevin F. Delaney (Ret.)
Wired or Wireless, Inc. (WOW), recently received the prestigious “Heartbeat Of America” award presented by Rear Admiral Kevin F. Delaney. This hard working American company was hand selected and awarded this honor on the Heartbeat Of America special television series, hosted by William Shatner.
This Special, which débuted Thursday December 3rd, 2009 at 5:00AM PST on the AmericanLife Channel, featured an interview by William Shatner with Bill Geibel Jr., President and William B. Geibel, Vice President owners of WOW. In addition to presenting WOW with this award, the episode explored what WOW is about and the history behind the owners.
“I am honored to accept this award from Heartbeat of America”, Bill Jr. exclaimed, “WOW is a dependable, honest company in its tenth year of locally owned, operated, and affordable services and is definitely worthy of such a distinguished honor.” Click here to view the Heartbeat of America episode featuring WOW online.
Technical Tip: Understanding Anti-Virus Software
Anti-virus software can identify and block many viruses before they can infect your computer. Once you install anti-virus software, it is important to keep it up to date.
What does anti-virus software do?
Although details may vary between packages, anti-virus software scans files or your computer's memory for certain patterns that may indicate an infection. The patterns it looks for are based on the signatures, or definitions, of known viruses. Virus authors are continually releasing new and updated viruses, so it is important that you have the latest definitions installed on your computer.
Once you have installed an anti-virus package, you should scan your entire computer periodically.
- Automatic scans - Depending what software you choose, you may be able to configure it to automatically scan specific files or directories and prompt you at set intervals to perform complete scans.
- Manual scans - It is also a good idea to manually scan files you receive from an outside source before opening them. This includes:
- saving and scanning email attachments or web downloads rather than selecting the option to open them directly from the source
- scanning media, including CDs and DVDs, for viruses before opening any of the files
What happens if the software finds a virus?
Each package has its own method of response when it locates a virus, and the response may differ according to whether the software locates the virus during an automatic or a manual scan. Sometimes the software will produce a dialog box alerting you that it has found a virus and asking whether you want it to "clean" the file (to remove the virus). In other cases, the software may attempt to remove the virus without asking you first. When you select an anti-virus package, familiarize yourself with its features so you know what to expect.
Which software should you use?
There are many vendors who produce anti-virus software, and deciding which one to choose can be confusing. All anti-virus software performs the same function, so your decision may be driven by recommendations, particular features, availability, or price.
Installing any anti-virus software, regardless of which package you choose, increases your level of protection. Be careful, though, of email messages claiming to include anti-virus software. These messages, supposedly from your ISP's technical support department, contain an attachment that claims to be anti-virus software. However, the attachment itself is in fact a virus, so you could become infected by opening it.
How do you get the current virus information?
This process may differ depending what product you choose, so find out what your anti-virus software requires. Many anti-virus packages include an option to automatically receive updated virus definitions. Because new information is added frequently, it is a good idea to take advantage of this option. Resist believing email chain letters that claim that a well-known anti-virus vendor has recently detected the "worst virus in history" that will destroy your computer's hard drive. These emails are usually hoaxes (see Identifying Hoaxes and Urban Legends for more information). You can confirm virus information through your anti-virus vendor or through resources offered by other anti-virus vendors.
While installing anti-virus software is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your computer, it has its limitations. Because it relies on signatures, anti-virus software can only detect viruses that have signatures installed on your computer, so it is important to keep these signatures up to date. You will still be susceptible to viruses that circulate before the anti-virus vendors add their signatures, so continue to take other safety precautions as well.
Silver Mountain Webcams Brought to You By WOW/AIR-PIPE
Its that beautiful time of year again to enjoy the slopes at your local ski resorts. Check out the up-to-the minute webcam videos of Silver Mountains base, tubing park, and water park installed by our WOW technicians with a broadband Internet feed courtesy of AIR-PIPE.
If you are interested in providing surveillance for your home or business by installing one or more video camera systems at your location with convenient remote broadband Internet access contact WOW today for more information.
Satisfied Customer Quote
"You folks are some of the very best in servicing your customers. I spent 43 years in grocery management & I understand what real superior, customer service is & all of you at WOW/Air-Pipe reflect the words coined by Safeway, "superior customer service," in every way. Thank you for all you give to so many people who need a quality Internet connection.
Please pass our Christmas greetings to your entire staff & yes ... thank you for your hard work tower climbers!
My wife & I hope all of you have a very blessed Christmas & a bright New Year."
Verlin M.
WOW Team Member BIO
Jeremy Pointer, WOW Two-Way Field Technician
Jeremy Pointer is a new addition to the WOW team. He has been at work in the telecommunications industry for a total of 14 years. In 1996 after attending school for culinary arts, he left his career in the kitchen for an 8 year enlistment in the USAF. Formally trained as a Ground Radio Communications Journeyman in the USAF he assumes a position at our Sandpoint Idaho location. Jeremy has experience working in many areas of telecom including SatCom, Microwave, Two-Way and Wi-Fi aspects of our industry. His favorite pass times are cooking for his friends and family, and woodworking.